General pathology in D.S. Sarkisov scientific creativity

  • A. A. Paltsyn Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: pathological anatomy, regeneration, intracellular regeneration, structure and function, general pathology, recombination


Pushkin wrote: “To be proud of the glory of one’s ancestors is not only possible, but also required, for not to respect is a shameful cowardice.” Even more justified and holier is the sense of pride for prideworthy contemporaries. First, because we know them better (without a halo of “legend”), especially when we know them through personal acquaintance, cooperative work (which stands high), participation in each other’s everyday joys and sorrows. The absence of “ancestry” purifies our feeling, removes egoistic motives from it. Donat Semenovich was the son of an Academician and the Chief Scientific Secretary of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. Nevertheless, in his life and career, it is impossible to find any appointments or awards received ahead of time or not deserved by his own work and talent. Professionally, he stood out for an uncompromising struggle for scientific truth and a phenomenally high, bright representation in one person of a dissector and a general pathologist. In this respect, only R. Virkhov and I.V. Davydovsky are close to him. But he is the only person in the world as the author of the law of philosophy!

How to Cite
Paltsyn, A. (2020, December 2). General pathology in D.S. Sarkisov scientific creativity. Patogenez (Pathogenesis), 18(4), 78-86.
History of Medicine