Antigen-induced responses of the brain and some of the molecular mechanisms of their realization

  • E. A. Korneva Institute of Experimental Medicine, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • N. S. Novikova Institute of Experimental Medicine
  • K. Z. Shainidze Institute of Experimental Medicine, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • S. V. Perekrest Institute of Experimental Medicine, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Keywords: hypothalamus, orexin, antigen, c-Fos, EHF irradiation


Comparative analysis of patterns of activation of hypothalamic structures made it possible to establish that the algorithm of activation of brain structures is characteristic of a reaction to a certain antigen (specific). The study of the degree of neuronal activation (according to the density of immunohistochemical staining) and the ranking of the sizes of cells involved in the reaction to the antigen highlights these differences. The system of orexinergic neurons of the brain is involved in the mechanisms of realization of its reactions to the introduction of antigens, which is manifested by a change in the number of visualized neurons (decrease or increase in the content of orexin in cells), a change in the intensity of expression of the preproorexin gene in the hypothalamus, as well as receptors in orexin-sensitive cells of the central nervous system. The possibility of wave correction of antigen-induced changes in the CNS has been demonstrated.

How to Cite
Korneva, E., Novikova, N., Shainidze, K., & Perekrest, S. (2023, March 6). Antigen-induced responses of the brain and some of the molecular mechanisms of their realization. Patogenez (Pathogenesis), 12(3), 4-15. Retrieved from